Sometimes the Spirit tells you to do something weird.
And sometimes that thing is write a blog post.
And He says, "You know, Anna, you have been blessed to have
many awesome friends in your life. You should challenge all of your awesome
friends to do something remarkable and uncomfortable. You need to tell them to
reach beyond their circle of friends to include someone who really needs a
really awesome friend."
So here it is, my outstanding, incredible friends: Go out of your
way today for someone you barely know. Or, maybe you already know them really
well, but have been avoiding them for some time now. Or, maybe you haven't even
met them yet.
Someone out there needs you. And someone out there who loves them
(hint: ↑) wants you to reach out.
So get out there! Get your smilin' at strangers on! Talk to the
person who sits next to you. Don't just passive-aggressively stake your claim
on the armrest.
You can do this! Otherwise, you wouldn't be asked to do this.
On behalf of all of the lives you will touch, thank you.
Even if it's just one person, you can make a
In fact, especially if it's just one person, you can make a