Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Semi-political and Mildly-heated Rant

Let me apologize in advance.

I apologize. 
You may now read on.

How much sense does this make?

  • Getting upset about the poor air quality in Logan, Ut. (sure, I can see that).
  • Holding a rally on behalf of the elderly, the pregnant, and the young who are the most likely to be affected by the poor air quality. (logical and somewhat noble, even).
  • Holding said rally outdoors on a red air day. (uh. . .).
  • Inviting the elderly, the pregnant, and the young to participate in said rally in the aforementioned outdoor location on a red air day. (yes, this is happening).
  • Driving to said rally in your V8 Suburban. (you'd better hope you park a couple blocks away).
  • Bringing your own four year old child to this rally. (sigh).
  • Standing outside, in the bitter, winter cold, and not changing anything.

How about an alternative situation?

  • Getting upset about the poor air quality in Logan, Ut.
  • Recognizing that some of your own personal habits don't line up with what you would like to see other people do.
  • Changing these habits, preferably one at a time. (let's not get too crazy).
  • Setting the example for friends and neighbors.
  • Sitting inside, eating a bagel, thinking about how if nothing else, you've at least changed yourself.

And that is my semi-political, mildly heated rant for the year. Let's not be dumb.


  1. how about i just sit inside and eat a bagel and skip all of the other steps??

  2. Two posts which happened within three days of each other.
    You, my friend, have come to the dark side.
    Welcome to the blogosphere.
    So proud! :)

  3. Haha loved this blog. Good one! :)
